
Hey everyone…hope you are all having a spectacular last day of the DECADE!!! Say what?!?! Can’t believe it is actually happening. We are moving into the year 2020 or so to speak. Who actually knows what year it is. I like to call this time period the year of the vision. I call it this because its 2020, and I am seeing with more clarity what I want really want in this life, what my passion is, my purpose. I am also able to distinguish more what doesn’t serve me such as negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs, habits, and people. I am putting on my glasses made with lenses of new perceptions and realties so to speak! This is what I have gained and learned from the past year as well as my entire existence!!

Something else I have gained and perhaps one of the most important lessons is gratitude. This has helped me on my spiritual journey so much this past year, and I have been really trying to bring it into my life each and everyday. Gratitude is the highest vibration one can put out into the world and into themselves. What you give out you always give back, law of attraction. If you are giving out gratifying energies to the universe you always attract this back. Whether it be from others, or simply from the energies of this cosmic realm we are all traveling in.

Expressing gratitude is an easy and fast way to bring yourself up to a higher vibrational field. Simply sitting and thinking about what you are grateful for can make you feel so much better about everything that may be going on in your life. We humans sometimes get lost on the ego train and get wrapped up in what we don’t have, what we didn’t accomplish, etc. Especially during the holiday season! But reminding yourself of what you do have, can change your reality immensely!! For we DO have everything that we could ever possibly want and need within us! Its all there, ALWAYS within you, you were born having it, and you’ll leave this body having it, for it is within the soul!

Expressing gratitude can help you to peel back the layers of societal conditioning that says, “I am never enough” “I don’t have enough”. Society WANTS you to feel this way so that you are more inclined to “buy into what they are selling”, aka spending money and energies on things you don’t need and don’t necessarily even want, as an attempt to fill the void within. But this void will never be filled with things, materials, people, etc. It can only be filled by going within. By showing yourself some love! Being grateful for who you are, how far you’ve come! Because lets face it, life can be a real challenge sometimes and it isn’t always rainbows and positive vibes (though I dream of this someday). It can be scary, rough, and full of lessons that at the time may feel heavy, but I promise you will make it out! They are here to teach you, not destroy you.

Practing gratitude everyday for simple things in your life can help you to see things in the bigger picture. It can help you to see others and your reality in a more positive viewpoint. Let this energy fill up your heart, let it allow you to take on the day, to face your fears, and live your dreams! It can be as simple as saying out loud what you are grateful for, writing a small list, or simply expressing them in your head. The universe isn’t picky:) So give it a try this new year, give it a try now!! Now is all you have, and will ever have, so if you want to do something, start now!

I am grateful for all of you, for this journey, this path, all of the lessons, the ups and the downs. I wouldn’t be who I am today, I wouldn’t be where I’m at today without everything that has ever happened to me. I am grateful for my health, the love I have for myself and the world, and beautiful pacha-mama and all she has given me: including all of my sisters and brothers!

Happy 2020 all you beautiful human/alien organisms!! You are all so important to me, know this if you ever feel alone. We are all always connected. If you have any questions or want to talk, feel free to reach out.

