Welcome to your practice portal area! This is where I have gathered all of my practices from BOTH my 1:1 coaching program as well as my group coaching program. Use these practices to help deepen your experience in connecting with your wild and true self. I recommend doing some of the practices that really resonate with you more than once in order to get a fuller effect. But as always, it is up to you. You DO NOT have to do all of the practices. Please let me know if you have any questions, insights, or concerns about any of the practices below.

Much love to you all,


This exercise is used to get clear on what is most important to you. It can help you decided what you need to focus your energy on and what you can leave for another time.

Use this exercise to connect back with your inner-child.

Use this exercise whenever you experience resistance or other emotions and feelings. This is especially prevalent when making changes in your life and/or starting a new routine.

This exercise is a good way to reflect on all that you have done and learned to get to where you are now and how these experiences can help you presently and in the future.

Use this practice when you are experiencing fear, anxiety, or general uneasiness about yourself and/or a certain situation/experience in your life.

This practice is all about letting go to open up more spaciousness and love within yourself and for others.

Use this exercise if you had a dream that you won’t to go deeper into. This practice helps you explore various aspects of your dream to come to different perspectives and conclusions of your dream.

Use this exercise as a way to release any emotions, resentments, or tensions that you might be experiencing surrounding a situation or relationship in your life. This could be with yourself or others. You could try writing this letter from the perspective of your future self. You could also write to your younger self.

 This is a great practice when we want to embody the self that we’re working to become in the NOW. In order to be the person we want to be, it is important to cultivate their essence in the present moment. We can’t achieve a different outcome, if we don’t take action in a different way.

Use this practice to acknowledge all of the amazing things you have done to get to where you are now. This is also a great reminder of the notion that YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS! This practice can serve you when you are feeling less than, unsure of yourself, fearful, etc. It can also serve you whenever you want to be reminded of how awesome you are!

This use project blueprint when wanting to set a goal for yourself or create a project. This blueprint helps you to get clear on your intention, what support you have, what skills you have, and what you need to do to accomplish this goal/project.

Here is an example of my own blueprint that I did.

Use this exercise to rewrite your story about what failure means to you. Normally we are afraid to fail because we were taught that failure is seen as “bad” or “weak”. But failure is actually the road to success. We can use our failures as pockets of wisdom to teach us what we can do differently next time to receive an outcome that benefits us and our life.

Use this exercise when you are wanting to shift your inner world to manifest the outer world or life of your dreams (aka the one you are destined for and aligned with).

This practice is used when you are trying to change the voice of fear within you to a voice of love.

This activity can be used to talk with parts of yourself that are wanting to express themselves like thoughts and feelings.

Use this exercise to get clear on your intentions for why you are doing certain things in your life. You may shift your perspective or come to the realization that these things can be released.

List of values for you to choose from and/or think about. You can also choose your own values or look up other lists from other places.

Use this exercise to help you get clear on what some of you values are.

Use this practice to get clear on which values are most important to you. This practice can also help you to make decisions using your values.

This practice helps you to cultivate compassion for yourself and others. Through this practice you focus on the similarities of one-another instead of our differences. Audio recording of this practice included below.