Module three: Working with the Wild-Woman-Archetypes to release What No Longer Serves You!

Aloha beauty and welcome to module three!! In this module we will be exploring the 7 archetypes of a wild-woman, yay!! I am soooo excited to share these archetypes with you that allow you to explore the depths of your conscious and unconscious self in order to make choices & decisions that feel good for you as well as cultivate more love and acceptance for your human self:)

There are two videos for this week located below. The first video details a bit about what an archetype is, the importance of it, and more specifically what the wild-woman-archetype is. Then we dive into wild-woman-archetypes 1-4:

  • Earth

  • Water

  • Fire

  • Nature

The second video details archetypes 5-7:

  • Light

  • Darkness

  • Spirit

I recommend watching the videos in order they appear below as I feel they build off one-another! There is also The Archetypes of A Wild-Woman Ebook located at the bottom of this page with more in-depth descriptions of each archetype you can look at with/or instead of the videos that correlates to aspects of each archetype that include:

  • The Attributes

  • Anecdotes

  • Activators

  • Mantras to Invoke the Archetype

  • Notes On the Archetype

I encourage you to choose an archetype to embody this week. Perhaps one that you desire to embody but have previously suppressed! Use the activators to invoke which archetype you are in need of, anecdote for which archetype you want to release, and mantras for the archetype you want to channel/embody. (You can find mantras in the ebook below).

Note which archetypes excite you, trigger you, are neutral, etc. Most importantly, have fun with them! I had a lovely time creating these for you and exploring these archetypes within my own life and existence.

Much love,


Wild-Woman-Archetypes Video One: Archetypes 1-4:

Wild-Woman-Archetypes Video Two: Archetypes 5-7: