Module 1: Becoming A Wild-Woman Once More To Feel Capable of Acting on Your Desires!
Welcome to Module 1!!!! Welcome sister to your first week within WWHA. I am so EXCITED to have you on this journey with me. Within this first module you will find two trainings:
Becoming A Wild-Woman Once More
7 Habits of A Wild & Magical Woman
You will also find exercises at the bottom of this page corresponding to the modules from this week. I recommend watching the Becoming A Wild-Woman Once More Module first, but you can watch them in whatever order resonates with you. The slides from each module are also available for download as well. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or what comes up for you in our group chat!
Becoming A Wild-Woman Once More
The 7 Habits of A Wild & Magical Woman
Practices for the Week!
Access the PDFS below to rewire your beliefs about what it means to be a wild-woman and get clear on what your WHY is for reconnecting with your wild-woman-self & being in this course and on your Heroine’s Journey!
Don’t forget to choose and connect with your symbol that reminds you of your connection to your wild-self as well:) Do the practices that resonate with you, feel good and accessible for you, yet also stretch you! Note: You Do NOT have to do all of the practices below. Feel into what is calling to you and what would best serve you at this time:).
Reflective Questions & Journaling Prompts For Future Self Meditation:
Q: What arose for you during this meditation? Note any feelings, sensations in the body, images, messages, words, etc.
Q: How did it feel to connect with your future self? Did anything surprise you?
Q: Q: What qualities did your future self embody?? How can you cultivate/allow more of these qualities within yourself now??
Q: How will you embody your future self in present?
Questions From the Meditation:
Q: How are you?
Q: What do I need to release in order for us to move forward in a beneficial way?
Q: What is the most important thing for me to know right now?