Rewild Yourself 1:1 Coaching Journey  

Now Offering Sliding-Scale Rates!!! See below for more information:)

Take A Journey With Me….

What if you could make your desires a reality?

What if I told you you could live out your dreams and deepest wishes?

What if you could have everything you ever wanted: peace and acceptance within yourself, fulfilling and loving relationships, purpose in your days, connection to something greater than you perceive, passion in your projects and career, and joy in more moments of your life?

What if I told you there is more to your story than you believe? There is more to YOU than you know.

What if I told you that at your core you are a sovereign, free and wild-spirited Queen who is capable of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING? Do you hear her voice deep within the beating of your heart? She is calling you to listen and answer her voice so you may live according to your unique energy and what feels GOOD for you everyday instead of following someone else’s time-table and schedule.

Will you surrender to her and the life that is divinely meant for you? Will you answer the whispers of your soul and the goddess within to feel more liberated and fearless in your expressions and creations?

She is waiting to break free. To stretch her legs amongst the redwoods, feel her bare feet on our Earth, let down her wild and tangled mane among the waters of the oceans, dance under a blanket of stars while she drums and sings to the moon and follows her heart. She is ready to come home to her true self. She is you. You are home.

Welcome to this sacred space. Where magic is real and you are led back to your wild and true self to feel capable of taking action EACH DAY towards your desires and your vision for your life without feeling shame, doubt, and worry of the “what-ifs” and judgments of others and yourself.  

My Story: Becoming a Wild-Woman Once More

Aloha wild-sister,

I’m Rylee. Years ago I felt stuck. I was lost and had no idea who I was nor what my purpose was in this lifetime. I felt separated from all of life; like there was no magic and I was struggling to swim upstream on someone else’s journey. I was hallow inside. I acted like I was happy to the outside world, but within me was a raging storm of anger, deep sadness, and shame. I hated myself, was insecure in who I was, and was afraid of intimacy and being my true-self with friends, family, and partners for fear of judgment from others and society.

I longed for something more. I could feel my soul calling to me that there was a different way of living than what I had experienced in my life so far. More than just simply getting a job I wasn’t passionate about to pay my bills. More than simply having surface-level conversations and never sharing my true feelings or beliefs with others. More than living “by the books” and the rules of others, my family, and society.

I was tired of myself. I was tired of my bullshit. It was time to take a new journey. One that would ultimately lead me back to my wild and true-self. Back to my true essence and vibrancy.

I’ve spent years healing, learning from mentors, teachers, Mother Earth, and guides from all different paths and walks of life. Since I first began my journey I've become more aligned with my true-self and surprised myself in so many beautiful and inspiring ways! I’ve crossed oceans and moved mountains within me in order to reconnect to my wild-woman-self.

  • A few things I’ve done/received from my journey include:

    • Teaching yoga in Maui, Big Island, various parts of the U.S. and getting my 230hr yoga teaching certificate and getting over my fear of public speaking. (Something I never thought I’d do)

    • Started my own blog and began sharing my beliefs and ideas for the WHOLE world to read. I am now able to move through fear of the judgments of others in regards to what I have to share.

    • In 2019 I followed one of my dreams of moving to Hawaii to teach yoga and create a home. One where I could slow down my pace of life, connect to the aina (land), and heal myself in a deeper way, honor my body’s unique rhythms and cycles, and live each day according to MY unique energy. Update: almost three years later and I’m still here ya’ll!! I now live on Big Island in a beautiful Jungalow a few miles from the ocean.

    • I met my wonderful partner that challenges me, respects me, evolves with me, and holds space for me and my healing. Through this I was able to work through and heal my fears of intimacy and wounds of being rejected by those I love.

    • Grew the confidence and resilience to start my own business where I get to wake up and DO WHAT I LOVE EVERYDAY while living out my passion, purpose, and living according to what I value instead of what someone else wants for me.

    • Learned to love and accept myself truly and fully for who I am in each moment. I feel more joy and peace for myself, my life, and my relationships now more than ever. Do I still have difficult days? Yes! But I am able to move through these feelings instead of letting them consume me. Because of this I continue to accomplish my goals, set boundaries with myself and others, and get my needs met. I do my best to fill up my own cup each day and feel inspired to better myself and my life while also having gratitude for the now.

There is magic, beauty, and inspiration all around you if you are willing to look and sit with yourself. You don’t need to move thousands of miles away like I did to reawaken your magical and wild-self, you just need to reconnect to this part of you within to feel embodied in who you truly are. This is what I am here to help you rediscover.

If you are feeling stuck in your relationships, choices, career, with yourself, business, desires, spirituality, and creations, I am here to shake things up for you so you can be the sovereign and wild-goddess you are designed to be in this moment and in each moment.

What does it mean to rewild yourself?

Rewilding yourself will look and feel differently for each one of you as we are all unique and sovereign beings on our own journeys. With that being said, the essence of rewilding yourself is about releasing anything that is not authentically you. It is about shedding the layers of conditioning and beliefs that keep you tightly bound to society’s, other’s, or your expectations of who you “should” be and what you “should” be doing.

Rewilding yourself is about tuning out from the noise of the outside world and coming home to a place you once knew but have forgotten. It is about connecting with your divine and intuitive, all-knowing self. It is releasing the chains that bind you and keep you small so you may fully evolve and grow into your empowered and authentic goddess-self. It is about living in alignment with you body’s wants and needs and knowing that in each moment everything is perfect, you are perfect, and you are right where you are meant to be.

When you rewild yourself, you not only say yes to your true self, you open the doorway for others to do the same. You radically shift your life and the lives of others. You realize the potential you have to steer your reality in the direction of where it is you desire to go; where it is you truly belong; and you feel capable of creating/making this happen for yourself.

In essence, to rewild yourself is to come home to yourself, to feel safe within yourself, and accepting of who you are NOW while also working towards your intentions and goals with joy, ease, and vibrancy!!

Greetings lovely!

I am ecstatic you are interested in embarking on this journey with me in reclaiming your life, dreams, liberation, and most importantly: yourself. If you are here it means you have been called by a deeper part of YOU. It means YOU are READY to take the leap and embody your aligned and empowered goddess-self.

This program is for you if you are:

  • An intuitive empath feeling disconnected from your intuitive/true-self. Due to conditioning from society, our parents, teachers, etc. many of us (especially we women) were taught at an early age to look for answers on how to live our lives outside of ourselves. You were taught that you could not trust yourself and your decisions and it was important to do what others told you to do with your life. Because of this you may feel disconnected from your intuition or the part of you that inherently KNOWS who you are and what is meant for you and your unique self. During this program I will teach you how to connect back to this part of yourself. I will challenge you to explore your inner-world, shed what isn’t you, listen to yourself, and make decisions/take action from this place to feel more peaceful, aligned, and fulfilled.

  • You’re a visionary and know what you desire but are afraid to take action on it:We’ve all been there. Myself included. You know exactly what you want. Maybe you even know what steps to take but you can’t seem to move forward on your dreams. You are a visionary but your vision is one not yet manifested. You feel afraid of taking action. You doubt you will be able to make your dreams come true. Maybe you’re afraid of them actually coming true. I’ve been there sister and I help you to release the fears and doubts you have about what you truly want so you feel capable of taking action NOW.

  • You’re a rebel-wild-woman and believe there is more to you and your story. You may feel like you have everything you thought you wanted in life. And yet-there is something missing. You don’t feel as fulfilled, joyful, and peaceful as you thought you would. You may not be sure of what is missing-and that is ok. This is something that we will be exploring in our sessions together. Perhaps you are:

    • disconnected from your purpose in this life

    • your relationships are lacking in emotional support

    • you don’t truly love yourself as much as you could

    • you haven’t faced some of the shadows in your closet, etc.

    Whatever it is, we will start to unpack and explore what you feel like you are missing. You deserve to feel whole, peaceful, joyful, and fulfilled. It is your inherent right.

  • You’re a creator and have a hard time expressing yourself authentically: Maybe you feel you don’t have anything worthwhile to say. Maybe you’re afraid others will judge you and not want you in their lives any longer. Maybe you’re afraid no one will care what you have to say. Bottom line: you’re letting something BLOCK you from truly expressing your wild and true self as you’re meant to and this has you feeling anxious, suppressed, heavy, and defeated.

  • You’re a healer and seek to live a life according to your unique energy that feels good for you but are stuck on someone else’s timetable and/or schedule: You want the freedom to wake up each doing what feels GOOD for you. You hate having to be somewhere by a certain time when you don’t even want to be present in the first place. You constantly feel like you’re fighting yourself and this creates tension within you. Maybe its a job you hate, friends that drain your energy, or your never-ending to-do-list.

  • You desire to work with me. You align with who I am and what I have to offer you as a guide, healer, teacher, mentor, and coach. You want to be in my energetic space and seek my support and wisdom while on your journey!!

    What is Coaching?

    Coaching is for those that have aspirations and dreams that they would enjoy working towards. It is also for those that would like to make changes within their life (and themselves) but are feeling stuck or unsure of how to move forward with the changes they want to make. As a coach I believe that all humans are already unique, creative, and capable of so many possibilities in their lives!

    I am simply your guide/partner that helps you to uncover these beautiful qualities that already exist within you! Throughout our sessions, we will work as co-creators to determine where it is you want to go, what you want/need to uncover, and how you will get there. We will work together to create the life that is divinely meant for you through various tools, exploration of your deeper reality, and open and honest questions during our weekly sessions.

    Though at times coaching is confused with therapy, in contrast to this, in coaching we look more towards the future/present and where it is you want to go. We envision a life that is authentically and truly you!

    Throughout our time together, we will uncover what it is that keeps you from living the life that you were destined to live. We remove these blockages that show up as inhibiting beliefs, habits, and stories that keep you from living your life to the fullest and betting on yourself and your abilities.

    YOU have the power to create the life that is aligned with your values and yourself on all levels: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This journey is for you if you feel that you are not living up to your potential, if you feel trapped in habitual patterns that you can’t seem to get out of, if you feel lost and disconnected from your wild and true self, and if you’re committed to your growth and making small changes everyday in your life that will ultimately lead you to big success, fulfillment, and wholeness.

By working with me you will:

  • Feel more empowered and capable of taking action on your desires and dreams without doubting yourself and your abilities.

  • Release fears and judgments you have about expressing yourself authentically so you can feel liberated to say, be, and do what you want on social media, in your business, and your relationships without feeling shame, guilt, and agitated to feel more spacious and peaceful within.

  • Release resentments for yourself and your life by cultivating more love and acceptance for where you’re at NOW so you can feel more peace in the present while also working towards your goals and intentions.

  • Learn to honor and respect your energy and what you actually are wanting in each moment in order to release inner-tension to feel more joyful and harmonious in your life and create sovereignty on your own timeline instead of someone else’s.

  • Learn more about yourself and your deeper experience to discover your passion, gifts, and purpose in this lifetime to feel fulfilled and whole.

  • Connect back to your intuitive-self to receive clarity, wisdom, and inspiration within to feel more fluidity and spaciousness to release scarcity and open to receive the abundance that is your inherent right.

  • Uncover what blocks you from moving forward and living YOUR DREAM LIFE so you can take action now in a way that feels easeful and less resistant.

  • Figure out what it is what you truly want and who you truly are (get clear on what is REALLY important for you. Not what you think is important to you/what others tell you). This saves you time and energy to put this towards what you really value and creates a more magical life that feels aligned.

  • Learn to be a leader in your life (in your business, work, organization, with yourself, your family, etc.) to gain more respect, self-worth, appreciation, and acknowledgment to feel capable of achieving your intentions, goals, and dreams.

  • Embody and live from your wild-woman self that listens to yourself, your intuition, feels joy everyday, is more open to receiving and giving yourself love, has better and deeper relationships with others, knows who you are, knows what your gifts and passions are, and lives a life that you are proud of living!!

    You deserve to take the journey to rewild yourself.

    Give yourself the gift that will radically change your life from the inside out FOREVER.

    You’re not becoming a “new you” rather you are finally becoming the “woman you are meant to be”.


What You Will Receive From This Program

  • Monthly sessions of weekly/bi-weekly (your choice!) 60-minute coaching sessions via zoom that include but not limited to powerful questions, insightful conversations, and practices (designed by both of us) as well as tools, wisdom, and embodiment activities that help you discover what you really want/what is aligned for highest, most vibrant-self, for your life, your community, and your business.

  • Commitment/investment of $400 per month or $100 Per Session (AKA $200 if you decide to do bi-weekly frequency). You have the choice to either pay in full or via monthly payment-plan.

  • NOW OFFERING SLIDING-SCALE PAYMENTS TO ACCOMODATE ALL SISTERS WANTING TO REWILD YOURSELF!! (Please mark this as your choice of payment when filling out the application below. We will discuss this more in our initial connection call. Note: Reserved for those that REALLY have a need so please be honest about your situation:).

    • I also offer 1:1 spot-coaching sessions at $100 per 60-minute zoom session (please email me or message via Instagram/FB if this is your choice)

    • You can also choose to have less sessions per month for a lower price if that is what you are needing as well. Please let me know if this is what you are wanting when you fill out the application:)

    • I am also open to sliding scale if you are needing a lower price and this is preventing you from working with me. Please let me know if this is what you are wanting when you fill out the application as well.

  • During our time together we focus on the stages of rewilding yourself and what they mean to you/how they manifest in your reality along with topics of your choice to work through. (stages are not necessarily in order, each is based on your unique situation):

  • Shed (beliefs, habits, thought-patterns, and whatever keeps you stuck)

  • Connect ( learn to your authentic and true, intuitive-self to make decisions, get real with yourself, and find clarity)

  • Uncover (uncover your real desires, purpose, and passions to lead a fulfilled life)

  • Integrate (your shadows, emotions, traumas, inner-child to find peace within)

  • Embody (who you are meant to be. The beautiful and sovereign-goddess within!)

  • Along with the stages, in each session YOU will have the opportunity to bring to me a topic of your choosing that we will get to the roots of. In each session you will gain new perspectives on these topics, novel insights, feedback and encouragement from me, as well as ways to implement what you have learned and received into your everyday life to practice these insights.

  • Weekly one hour coaching sessions via zoom (unless specified) that include deep and introspective questioning, rituals at the beginning and end, a safe and sacred nonjudgmental space to learn to express yourself authentically, as well as explorative exercises to help you be present, reflective, and open.

  • Access to me (Rylee) on Voxer for accountability, encouragement, acknowledgment, and insights during the week Monday-Friday (10am-4pm Hawaii Time) I also normally send helpful/aligned podcasts, articles, quotes, and inspiration that aligns with you and your unique journey! (One of the perks of working with me:).

  • Access to my Queendom library that houses informative training videos created by me, journaling prompts, questions, assignments, meditations, and visualizations from my personal experience and extensive study to supplement your transformation and our journey together.

  • Accountability, structure, and and feedback by me to acknowledge blind spots in yourself (that you may not be aware of), stick to your goals and practices, and ease your transition and transformation process.

  • Acknowledgments and celebrations during our sessions and in Voxer to help you reflect and appreciate yourself to gain self-esteem, worthiness, compassion, and love for yourself and your life.

  • Discount on one 60-minute Human Design reading by me via zoom by me to help you better understand your unique energy, make decisions, and live in a way that feels easeful and expansive for you! (Only available once).

  • Life-changing transformations within yourself that radically alter your perception of yourself, your life, your relationships, your purpose, your passion, etc. When you change one thing, you change everything!!

    This offering will help you uncover what is keeping you from connecting with your wild and true self, expressing yourself authentically, following your energy in a way that feels good for you, and transform you and your life, as well as help you believe in yourself and your abilities to you feel capable of taking action on your desires NOW.

    Interested in partnering with me? Ready to take the next step forward on your journey in reclaiming your wild and true self? I’d be honored to connect and be your guide!

    Ready to enter the wild-terrain together? Let’s do this!

    YOU deserve to live the life that is meant for you. YOU deserve to connect with your wild and authentic wild-woman self. YOU deserve to put yourself first. YOU deserve to take control of your life, your future, and your success. It all starts now.

    Fill out the application below and start your life-altering journey now. I will get reach out to you upon receiving your application!


About Your Coach

Rylee Hedberg is a wild-woman on her heroines journey back to her wild and true self. After leaving her roots to travel and connect to her inner-knowing, as well as to find alignment and peace with her inner-world, she learned wisdom from allies, mentors, and our beautiful Mother Earth. She currently resides on the Big Island of Hawai’i (or the land of native Hawaiian people) where she helps other souls like yourself reconnect to their wildness. Along with wisdom gained from experience, she also has taken many classes and certifications in the following:

  • Certified Reiki Practitioner level 1&2 from Halai Healing Place. (2021)

  • 230 hr Yoga Teacher Training Certification from Palm + Pine Yoga Studio + School (2019)

  • Certified Coaching Program from National University (2021)

  • Human Design Reader Training (2022)

  • Masters in Psychology, Consciousness, + Transformation from National University (2023) .

Other Courses I’ve Taken to supplement my experience:

  • Social Intelligence

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Earth, Body, Spirit

  • Transpersonal Psychology

  • Consciousness of Sleep and Dreams

  • Women’s Empowerment

  • Life Purpose

  • Shamanic Traditions

  • Dreams, Archetypes, and Personal Mythology

  • Diversity, Community, and Leadership

  • Inner Guidance

  • Sexuality and Consciousness

  • Archetypal Mythology

  • Cosmology and Consciousness

  • Spiritual Intelligence

  • Consciousness of Sleep + Dreams

  • Body Consciousness, Body Wisdom

  • Non-ordinary states of consciousness

Take The Journey.

Questions? Interested in learning more about this transformative mentorship? Reach out to me below and we can set up time and space to connect!