Welcome! My name is Rylee and I am the main creator of Ishvara.
What is the meaning of Ishvara exactly? This all depends on one’s perception, source, and reality. I interpret it as the universal consciousness that lives within us all. The one that sees, knows, hears, feels, and loves us. This can take many forms from person to person including God, Universe, Gaia, Mother Earth, Allah, Shiva, etc.
Though we all attach our own thoughts, feeling, and judgements to the forms mentioned above, it is important to remain open and accepting to all different ways of thinking and perceiving. For I am you, and you am I. There is no difference between us (This is my own interpretation; something that is constantly changing as I learn and grow. I invite you to have your own as well).
I created this page as a way to help bridge the gap between the spiritual world and the world in which we live. I believe that they are one in the same. We can experience this if we simply open our hearts and quiet our minds to listen and feel what has always existed within and around us.
I hope this page inspires you be your highest self in terms of releasing your fears, judgements, and anything that is holding you back so that you may truly live as you were meant to; free and full of love and peace.
Mahalo, peace, unity, & love to all.